Northwest Lichenologists

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  • 08 Mar 2025 10:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Walk through the Washington Park Arboretum and learn all about lichens and their growth!

    Saturday, March 8, 2025

    Looking for a Winter activity for those shorter days in Seattle? Why not consider lichens as an alternative? They grow on trees, shrubs and rocks in botanic gardens and can tell us about air quality and the make-up of plants and geology. Botanic gardens can take on new meaning as a *fun* place to observe a symbiotic organism made up of a fungus and algae. You will also learn about common lichens found in an urban environment and take home a user-friendly chart that lists lichens found in your neighborhood.

    Join Dr. Katherine Glew for two hours at the Washington Park Arboretum on Saturday, March 8, to get a head start on learning lichens from one of Seattle’s botanic gardens. You can enjoy the late winter/early spring season by looking for lichens, rather than staying inside and missing out on the excitement of being outside.

    The walk will cover about 1 mile.


    UW Botanic Gardens

    Scroll down to March 8 Lichen Walk.

    A second date offered will be February 8.

    Bring a hand lens or cell phone with a magnifier to view lichen details. A great field book is: "Macrolichens of the Pacific Northwest" by McCune & Geiser. There are lots of lichen photos to use for identification. The book can be purchased through Amazon or The University Bookstore.

    Registration Fee: $45

  • 04 Mar 2025 10:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Tuesday, March 4, 2025

    Looking for a winter activity for those shorter days in the Seattle & Bellevue area?

    Why not consider lichens as an alternative? They grow on trees, shrubs and rocks in botanic gardens and can tell us about air quality and the make-up of plants and geology.  Botanic gardens can take on new meaning as a *fun* place to observe a symbiotic organism made up of a fungus and algae.  You will also learn about common lichens found in an urban environment and take home a user-friendly chart that lists lichens found in your neighborhood.

    Always wondered about what lichens are and why they are found on your trees, fences, Rhododendrons and Azaleas? Lichens are harmless to your plants and add aesthetic value to trees and shrubs. We can actually use them as indicators of air pollution!  Join Dr. Katherine Glew for two hours at the Bellevue Botanic Gardens on Tuesday, March 4 to get a head start on learning lichens from one of the Seattle areas botanic gardens. The walk around the gardens is just over 1 mile.

    Registration: Lichen Walk - Bellevue Botanical Garden

    Fee: $24.50 - $35

    Bring a hand lens & a copy of McCune/Geiser "Macrolichens of the Pacific Northwest". The Lichen book can be purchased through Amazon or the University Book Store.

  • 25 Feb 2025 4:34 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This from Sophia at Eagle Hill Institute in Maine...


    Eagle Hill Institute’s 2025 Lichens and Related Seminars

    Eagle Hill is right on the coast of Eastern Maine, between Acadia National Park and Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge. 

    Jun 1–7 • Lichens: Biology, Ecology, and Identification • Troy McMullin & Philip Bell-Doyon

    Jun 15–21 • Plant Collection and Herbarium Curation • Daniel Atha

    Aug 3–9 • Lichens, Biofilms, and Stone • Judy Jacob & Michaela Schmull

    For general information, the registration form, seminar flyers, and a complete calendar:

    If you have any questions about the content of the seminar, please reach out to the seminar instructor(s), whose contact info can be found on the seminar flyer. If a seminar you are interested in is full, and you would like to be put on the waitlist, please fill out the application form.

    If you have any questions about registering for the seminar, please contact us at

  • 08 Feb 2025 10:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Walk through the Washington Park Arboretum and learn all about lichens and their growth!

    Saturday, February 8, 2025

    Looking for a Winter activity for those shorter days in Seattle? Why not consider lichens as an alternative? They grow on trees, shrubs and rocks in botanic gardens and can tell us about air quality and the make-up of plants and geology. Botanic gardens can take on new meaning as a *fun* place to observe a symbiotic organism made up of a fungus and algae. You will also learn about common lichens found in an urban environment and take home a user-friendly chart that lists lichens found in your neighborhood.

    Join Dr. Katherine Glew for two hours at the Washington Park Arboretum on Saturday, February 8, to get a head start on learning lichens from one of Seattle’s botanic gardens. You can enjoy the winter season by looking for lichens, rather than staying inside and missing out on the excitement of being outside.

    The walk will cover about 1 mile.


    UW Botanic Gardens

    Scroll down to February 8 Lichen Walk

    A second date offered will be March 8.

    Bring a hand lens or cell phone with a magnifier to view lichen details. A great field book is: "Macrolichens of the Pacific Northwest" by McCune & Geiser. There are lots of lichen photos to use for identification. The book can be purchased through Amazon or The University Bookstore.

    Registration Fee: $45

  • 07 Feb 2025 10:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Friday, February 7, 2025

    Looking for a winter activity for those shorter days in the Seattle & Bellevue area?

    Why not consider lichens as an alternative? They grow on trees, shrubs and rocks in botanic gardens and can tell us about air quality and the make-up of plants and geology.  Botanic gardens can take on new meaning as a *fun* place to observe a symbiotic organism made up of a fungus and algae.  You will also learn about common lichens found in an urban environment and take home a user-friendly chart that lists lichens found in your neighborhood.

    Always wondered about what lichens are and why they are found on your trees, fences, Rhododendrons and Azaleas? Lichens are harmless to your plants and add aesthetic value to trees and shrubs. We can actually use them as indicators of air pollution!  Join Dr. Katherine Glew for two hours at the Bellevue Botanic Gardens on Friday, February 7 to get a head start on learning lichens from one of the Seattle areas botanic gardens. The walk around the gardens is just over 1 mile.

    Registration: Lichen Walk - Bellevue Botanical Garden

    Fee: $24.50 - $35

    Bring a hand lens & a copy of McCune/Geiser "Macrolichens of the Pacific Northwest". The Lichen book can be purchased through Amazon or the University Book Store.

  • 05 Feb 2025 5:30 PM | Anonymous member

    Wednesday, February 5, 2025 - 5:30-7:30 pm 

    Lichen Illustrated Glossary Workshop

    In-person event

    Presenter: Tiffa Theden

    In this workshop we will combine the science of lichenology with the joy of artistic creativity. We will cover 20 terms that describe the different structures and forms of lichen, illustrating them in a booklet that participants can take home for future reference. We will cover the basic anatomy, forms, reproductive structures, and other specialized structures that are important when identifying lichens. Combining art with science is a great way to learn and retain new information, so if you are lichen-curious, this workshop is a can’t miss! Microscopes, specimens, visual aids, paper, and drawing supplies will be provided. All skill levels welcome!

    Location: The Red Barn at the Wenatchee River Institute, 347 Division Street, Leavenworth, WA.

  • 30 Jan 2025 5:00 PM | Anonymous member

    Please join Adrienne from 5-7pm on Thursday, January 30 at the Hundred Acre Woods in Fairhaven in Bellingham, WA for a magical evening walk through the woods with UV lights. We will look at and learn about lichens that fluoresce under UV light, and anything else we find interesting :) 

    This event is hosted through the NW Mushroomers Association and the Licheneers of North Puget Sound, but you don't need to be a member of either group to attend.

    We will meet here:

    where the Interurban Trail meets Cody Ave. There is usually parking along 22nd St around here. We will begin walking south down the Interurban Trail (flat, wide gravel path) and may go into some narrower dirt trails more in the woods too.  

    Please dress for the weather, it might be chilly and we will be standing still a lot, not actually walking that far. And please bring a regular headlamp or flashlight, UV lights if you have any, and a loupe or other handheld magnifying glass if you wish to look closely at the lichens or other stuff. 

    Please RSVP to if you will be attending.

  • 23 Jan 2025 7:00 PM | Anonymous member

    Thursday, January 23, 2025 - 7:00-8:00 pm

    Science on Tap: Lichens! They’re not moss…

    In-person event

    Presenter: Tiffa Theden

    Many people see the bushy growths all over the trees here in WA and assume MOSS! This statement may be true on the west side, but east of the Cascade crest, much of what we see growing on trees, rocks, and soil is actually lichen. Lichens are a symbiotic organism - made of a fungus and algae (and maybe other things!). If you're excited to embark on a deep dive into what a lichen is, the names and terminology for all things lichen, how they reproduce, and how they are used by people and wildlife, come to this talk! You will leave knowing why a lichen isn’t a moss (and how to tell them apart), and all about the most common species in our area.

    Location: Ground Control, 10 N. Wenatchee Ave. Wenatchee, WA

  • 04 Dec 2024 7:00 PM | Anonymous member

    Join Adrienne Alms and the Northwest Mushroomers Association for a free presentation all about lichens on Wednesday, December 4 at 7pm at the Squalicum Boathouse in Bellingham, WA

    Although this event is hosted by NMA, you do not need to be a member of that group to attend, and this night will focus entirely on lichens :)

    Presentation description:

    Lichens and Us: Some stories about lichens, ethnolichenology, and my adventures doing lichen surveys this summer

    Lichens are almost everywhere when you start to pay attention, and they are symbiotic organisms made up of both algae and fungi, and sometimes other things like cyanobacterias, bacterias, and yeasts. Lichens have been (and still are today in some cases) used commercially in dye, perfume, cosmetics, and scientific industries. They have been and still are used as important food sources and for medicinal and magical purposes in many different cultures all across the world. They also contain some of the most beautiful patterns, colors, and textures in nature, and unlike most mushrooms and plants, they are out all year long. Yet lichens are often overlooked or ignored by both mycologists and botanists. Join Adrienne as they share some delicious photos and stories about lichens, ethnolichenology, and their adventures doing lichen surveys in the Glacier Peak Wilderness this summer.

    Event Details:

    Where: The Squalicum Boathouse, 2600 N Harbor Loop Dr, Bellingham, WA 98225

    When: Wednesday, December 4th

    Time: 6pm - 7pm Potluck Social, 7pm - 8pm Presentation 

    The evening will kick off with a holiday social and potluck, so we encourage everyone to bring a dish or snack to share. This event is open to the public, so feel free to invite anyone who might be interested!

    About Adrienne:

    Adrienne Alms (they/them) is an amateur (for now) lichenologist and naturalist. They have been studying lichens for about four years now, first in the upper Midwest and now in the PNW. Adrienne worked with Dr. Daniel Stanton at the U of MN to prepare his lichen and bryophyte samples for accession into the Bell Museum Herbarium in 2022. Adrienne is now a member of the NW Lichenologists and did their first lichen air-quality monitoring surveys for the USDA Forest Service this past summer. They are also a member of the Licheneers of North Puget Sound and the NW Mushroomers Association, and they have led lichen walks in and around Bellingham for both groups. Adrienne attended a microlichens class with Bruce McCune this past October and has since dove into the endless world of crust lichens. Adrienne is also a rock climber and often finds interesting and unique lichens on rocks while climbing or hiking to a climbing spot. They hope to move into doing more professional lichen and botanical consulting work in the future.

  • 17 Nov 2024 10:00 AM | Anonymous member

    Walk through the Washington Park Arboretum and learn all about lichens and their growth!

    Sunday, November 8, 2024

    Looking for a Fall activity for those shorter days in Seattle? Why not consider lichens as an alternative? They grow on trees, shrubs and rocks in botanic gardens and can tell us about air quality and the make-up of plants and geology. Botanic gardens can take on new meaning as a *fun* place to observe a symbiotic organism made up of a fungus and algae. You will also learn about common lichens found in an urban environment and take home a user-friendly chart that lists lichens found in your neighborhood.

    Join Dr. Katherine Glew for two hours at the Washington Park Arboretum on Sunday, November 17, to get a head start on learning lichens from one of Seattle’s botanic gardens. You can enjoy the late fall season by looking for lichens, rather than staying inside and missing out on the excitement of being outside.

    Fee: $45

    Registration: Classes & Workshops | University of Washington Botanic Gardens (

    Bring a hand lens or cell phone with a magnifier to view lichen details. Consider "Macrolichens of the Pacific Northwest." 2023. McCune & Geiser. 3rd Edition.

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