Northwest Lichenologists


Annual General Meeting

We usually meet with the Northwest Scientific Association (NWSA) every spring. Each year we have also had a workshop and a field trip (about 1 in 3 involving snow). See photos from past meetings. We are eager to have YOU help to organize the meeting. The meeting is arranged on a year-by-year basis, depending on the location of the Northwest Scientific Association meeting. This usually happens in mid to late March.

See upcoming events for information on the coming meeting. The annual meeting typically has four components: talks that present ongoing or completed research (we try to keep this as casual and informal as possible); a workshop on a particular topic, genus, or area; field trips to some local spots of interest; and evening socializing, usually at a local restaurant.

Until 2021 we also awarded the Goward Prize for the best student or amateur paper presented at the meeting. At that time we changed the format to a cash award for students and amateurs who successfully submitted an abstract for a talk or poster at the meeting. See the current year's event details for updated information.

Past recipients of the Goward Prize are:

  • 1996 Kathy Merrifield
  • 1997 Abbey Rosso
  • 1998 Eric B. Peterson
  • 1999 Dylan Keon
  • 2000 Shanti Berryman
  • 2001 Doug Glavich
  • 2002 Sarah Jovan
  • 2003 Suzanne Joneson
  • 2004 Lyn Baldwin
  • 2005 Emily Holt
  • 2010 Heather Root
  • 2012 Peter Nelson
  • 2013 Kate Petersen
  • 2018 Heather Stewart-Ahn
  • 2021 Meaghan Petix
Criteria for the Goward Prize:
  • Content
  • Importance of contribution
  • Quality of work
  • Creativity
  • Presentation
    1. Holds interest
    2. Organization
    3. Eye contact
    4. Clarity
    5. Appropriate pace
At least three eligible participants are required for the prize to be awarded.

Annual Board Meeting

The annual board meeting is at 10 a.m. on the second Saturday in January in Corvallis. Any member can join the meeting in person or by zoom link to registered participants. Contact the secretary for details. We welcome your participation. If you are interested in serving on the Board, please contact one of the board members.

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