A memorial celebration has been set for Terri Knoke who loved lichens as much as she loved plants. She was very dedicated to learning lichens, attending several lichen forays and Northwest Lichenologist Meetings at Northwest Scientific annual events.
Her husband, Mark Mease, arranged a celebration for her, which will occur Saturday, October 17 at noon on Saddle Mountain.
Memorial Celebration for Terri L. Knoke
December 16, 1952 – April 16, 2020
An event to mark the passing of Terri Knoke will be held on the summit of Saddle Mountain, north of the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, on October 17, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. Participants will be encouraged to pick up 2 or 3 “seed balls” containing a potting mixture, sagebrush seeds, and some of Terri’s ashes. It was her wish to be scattered in the form of seed balls on the north side of Saddle Mountain to help restore a burned area.
The location is 16 miles east of the junction of Hwy 24 and Hwy 243 at the Vernita bridge. If you’re coming from Seattle, take I-90 east to Vantage. After crossing the Columbia River turn south on Hwy 26 for about 1 mile, then bear right on Hwy 243 towards Richland until you arrive at the Vernita bridge. Turn east on Hwy 24 for 16 miles. There will be vehicles or balloons or ribbons, something will alert you to the turnoff to the parking area.
If you’re coming from the Tri-Cities, follow Hwy 240 across the Hanford site. Continue on Hwy 24 past the Yakima Barricade and down to Vernita. Cross the bridge and turn immediately right and continue on Hwy 24 to the parking area.
If you are coming from Spokane, take I-90 west to Moses Lake and turn south on Hwy 17. Turn west on Hwy 26 at Othello for approximately 1.8 miles. Turn left onto Hwy 24 and follow it for 19.5 miles to the parking area.
The celebration will be short and simple. Designated people will speak, then participants who wish to may speak, then the seed balls will be distributed. This will conclude the celebration. Afterwards people may stay and chat in the parking area, weather permitting, as long as they wish, but there will be no formal reception. There may be some light refreshment at the parking area, but per Terri’s wishes there will not be a catered event or further ceremony.