Northwest Lichenologists

UV Lichen Evening Walk in Bellingham, WA

30 Jan 2025 5:00 PM | Anonymous member

Please join Adrienne from 5-7pm on Thursday, January 30 at the Hundred Acre Woods in Fairhaven in Bellingham, WA for a magical evening walk through the woods with UV lights. We will look at and learn about lichens that fluoresce under UV light, and anything else we find interesting :) 

This event is hosted through the NW Mushroomers Association and the Licheneers of North Puget Sound, but you don't need to be a member of either group to attend.

We will meet here:

where the Interurban Trail meets Cody Ave. There is usually parking along 22nd St around here. We will begin walking south down the Interurban Trail (flat, wide gravel path) and may go into some narrower dirt trails more in the woods too.  

Please dress for the weather, it might be chilly and we will be standing still a lot, not actually walking that far. And please bring a regular headlamp or flashlight, UV lights if you have any, and a loupe or other handheld magnifying glass if you wish to look closely at the lichens or other stuff. 

Please RSVP to if you will be attending.

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