Northwest Lichenologists

NWL facilitates communication, meetings, and field trips among lichenologists interested in the Pacific Northwest of North America, including Alaska, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, northern California, Oregon, Washington, and western Alberta.

We promote and encourage professional training, growth, and renewal. We seek to maintain and promote high standards of performance in field lichenology. We are a nonprofit corporation

Recent forum updates

See also the NWL Facebook Group

and the NWL Instagram Group

hand lensAre you interested in hosting a NW Lichenologists lichen-blitz?

Once or twice a year NWL members come together for a multi-day fieldtrip to a lichen-rich area in the Pacific Northwest of North America. The purpose is to get to know each other, and learn from each other while doing what we love to do: “lichenize.” These gatherings bring together much expertise and typically a species list results from our collaborative efforts.

If you manage a natural area, and are interested in hosting a lichen-blitz, please contact us. We are a low-maintenance group that usually camps or bunkhouses in remote locations. Formal permission to collect lichens is naturally needed. NWL will periodically review its blitz requests and optional associated donation, and schedule a foray to the most interesting area.

Donations will be used to support the educational, nonprofit purposes of NW Lichenologists.

Map of past fall field trip sites and blitzes

Contact the secretary of NW Lichenologists

Lichens and People Photo Contest Winners

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Children admiring saxicolous lichens. First runner-up, by Rabah Khedim

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