Elisa Di Meglio has been kind enough to make public several videos that demonstrate spot testing with lichens. She made these for her online lichenology course at Oregon State, BOT 465, and I've just posted them in a public space.
Please see the youtube playlist:
Another new one for the P test is by Daphne Stone, giving a little more detail on various aspects:
While we are at it, here are a couple more:
A great one for K, C, and P by Sarah Norvell Conway (Humbotany):
This one builds the tests into a realistic ID process.
And a nice one by Bailey Rodgers:
Still to come: we need more video tutorials on the use of UV lights with lichens. There are many kinds of UV lamps now and a fair amount of misinformation too...
Thanks for sharing! I haven't done any spot tests yet but would like to soon-- cleaning up after a P test is kinda intimidating and there were lots of great tips in Elisa Di Meglio's video on P, as well as in Daphne Stone's. I'd love to see a similar video for UV testing, especially for when shortwave vs longwave is useful and how to be safe using shortwave. I'd also be interested in a video on doing TLC with lichens (although the equipment requirements might make it a bit inaccessible!)... The guide in Microlichens is great, but a video demo would be useful, especially if it also included interpreting the results.
This are wonderful! Thanks for sharing.
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