Northwest Lichenologists

What's Happening

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  • 12 Jan 2016 8:46 PM | Bruce McCune (Administrator)

    Sarah Jovan and Andrea Pipp were newly elected to the NWL Board last weekend. Board members serve a two year term. The continuing board members are: Lin Kyan, Charity Glade, and John Villella. Scot Loring and Steve Sheehy continue to serve as alternate directors.

    We had a successful board meeting with 14 participants, lots of good discussion, and lots of exciting things planned for the future.

    Remember, you are welcome to participate in these meetings -- you do not need to be on the board.

  • 12 Jan 2016 8:44 PM | Bruce McCune (Administrator)

    Third International Workshop on Biological Soil Crusts

    September 26-30, 2016 - Moab, Utah, USA 

    The Third International Workshop on Biological Soil Crusts (BIOCRUST 3) will bring together international scientists working in disciplines such as physiology; taxonomy and systematics; genetics and genomics; restoration; and population, community, ecosystem and landscape ecology. Within BIOCRUST 3, these different fields are unified by their common interest in biological soil crusts, or biocrusts, as a study system. Biocrusts are like a living skin of the Earth, composed of many distinct organisms regulating ecosystem processes in modern ecosystems, and serving as a modern analog for some of the earliest ecological communities on land.

    For more information:

  • 06 Jan 2016 1:52 PM | daphne stone


    Stephen Sharnoff and Andy Kerr are starting a campaign to create a National Monument dedicated to the iconic Douglas-fir tree in the central Oregon Cascades. Similar in concept to Redwood National Park, this monument would honor the Douglas fir and the ecosystem associated with it. The area for this monument is federal land in the Cascades from Opal Creek in the north to south of the Menagerie Wilderness in the south. The campaign now has a website:

    Steve will be in Portland Jan 10-12 to meet with people/groups, and in Eugene for a talk on Mar. 1 and then to attend the PIELC Mar. 3-6. He then will be in Corvallis for several talks, including one on Apr. 21, another on Apr. 26. If you are interested I encourage you to meet up with Steve ( at any of these times to learn more. 

  • 01 Jan 2016 12:00 PM | Bruce McCune (Administrator)

    Announcing Eagle Hill Institute seminars on lichenology in 2017
    On the coast of Eastern Maine, just east of Acadia National Park

    May 21-27 ... Crustose Lichens of the Acadian Forest ... Stephen Clayden

    Jun 4-10 ... Undergraduate Field Studies: Introduction to Bryophytes and Lichens ... Fred Olday
    Jul 2-8 ... Lichens and Lichen Ecology ... David Richardson and Mark Seaward

    Jul 23-19 ... Lichens, Biofilms, and Stone ... Judy Jacob and Michaela Schmull

    Aug 6-12 ... Independent Studies: Interesting and Challenging Saxicolous Lichens of North America ... Alan Fryday

    The following general flyer has links to individual lichen seminar flyers ...

    For general information …

  • 07 Nov 2015 10:21 PM | scot loring

    Hi all-

    The 2016 SO BE FREE has just been announced.  I posted the flyer on the NWL Facebook page.  We are hoping for a great turnout -- this is the first year it is being organized through the newly created Bryophyte Chapter of the CNPS.  It does not overlap this time with the NWL annual spring meeting!

  • 03 Oct 2015 12:33 PM | daphne stone

    Daphne Stone is presenting a free Introduction to Lichens at the Straub Environmental Learning Center, 1320 A Street, Salem on 31 October from 9-4ish.

    We will discuss lichen terminology, then head to a nearby park to look at lichens in their environment.

  • 25 Sep 2015 9:11 AM | Deleted user

    Foliose Physciaceae with Dr. Theodore Esslinger

    Location: Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls, Oregon

    Date: April 1-3, 2016

    Cost: $200

    We are delighted to welcome Dr. Theodore Esslinger from North Dakota to provide us with insight into a diverse and important group of lichens, Physciaceae. The workshop will focus on identification of temperate and northern species in the most frequently encountered foliose genera of the Physciaceae, especially Phaeophyscia, Physcia, Physciella, and Physconia as well as rarer genera such as Anaptychia and Heterodermia.  The first day participants will make observations of Physciaceae in nearby Lava Beds N. M. and then spend the rest of the time working with materials in lab, with most lecturing being informal and occurring while working on the collections.  Among other activities, we will practice the appropriate use of reagent spot tests on the thallus and methods for making hand sections to study the various tissue types of the physcioid thallus.  In addition to material we are able to collect on our field trips students are strongly encouraged to bring specimens with them, especially any problem materials they would like help with.  

    Space is limited; if you are interested in attending please contact John Villella,

  • 15 Sep 2015 8:11 AM | Bruce McCune (Administrator)

    If you would like to discuss changes to the status of particular lichen species on the Oregon Rare, Threatened and Endangered list, as sponsored by ORBIC, you are welcome to join us from 2:30-5 pm on Friday, October 9, and the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest.

    Note that this immediately precedes the NWL certification (see the Certification tab and Events). BUT you need not be registered for the certification or training to participate in the discussion. If, however, you plan to spend the night at the Andrews forest and are not registered, please let Daphne Stone know (daphstone at gmail).

    If you do plan to participate in the discussion, please bring your data and your ideas.

  • 06 Apr 2015 7:54 PM | Bruce McCune (Administrator)

    For those who attended the field trips near Pasco, Washington, here are my locality data. Corrections are welcome.

    April 3:

    Gentle slope with old Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata

    suburban fringe between the end of Evanslee Court and I-182,


    Elevation: 205 m       46.24785o N 119.33042oW  Datum: WGS84


    April 4:

    Lower slope with Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata and basalt outcrops and erratics, Saddle Mountain, ca. 20 km W of Othello

    Elevation: ca. 225 m     46.8077o N 119.4026oW  Datum: WGS84


    grassy, rocky ridge with basalt outcrops

    Saddle Mountain, ca. 20 km W of Othello

    Elevation: ca. 352 m     46.8032o N 119.4010oW  Datum: WGS84


  • 28 Mar 2015 2:58 PM | Katherine Glew

    Lichens are a vital yet overlooked part of the ecology in our urban areas. 

    Dr. Katherine Glew will introduce lichens, explain what they are and how they grow.  She will also address common lichens found in Seattle and provide a list. You will find out what their presence in the city tells us about your plants and air quality. Bring your hand lens if you have one, since there will be plenty of lichens to find. We will spend part of the day in Washington Park Arboretum, University of Washington Botanical Garden. To Study lichens in more detail, we will have an opportunity to use microscopes to see their fascinating details.

    Katherine Glew has researched lichens in Norway, the Russian Far East, and throughout Washington State.  

    Date: Saturday, June 20

    Time: 9:00am - 4pm

    Location: Washington Park Arboretum and Hitchcock Hall, University of Washington campus.

    Tuition:  $95

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