This is a rare event: the Symbiosis meeting in Corvallis! Take advantage of this opportunity to hear what is happening on the forefront of research on symbioses, including lichens. Note that two distinguished scientists with lichenological pedigrees are plenary speakers: Betsy Arnold and Toby Spribille.
July 15-20, 2018
The ISS Congress is the sanctioned meeting of the International Symbiosis Society and is held every three years. It is the primary international meeting focusing on symbioses, including complex interactions between hosts and their microbiomes. The Congress is anticipated to bring together 400 symbiosis scientists from up to 20 nations to present the latest research in symbioses, their ubiquity in nature and their impact on all environments on the planet.
Please visit the ISS Congress 2018 website for more information on the meeting.
Follow ISS Congress 2018 on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram
Abstract submission: January 1 – March 1. 2018
Registration begins: February 15, 2018
The Congress will be organized around a series of cross-cutting themes:
- Susceptibility and resilience of symbioses in the Anthropocene
- Ecology of symbioses
- Mechanisms of host-microbiome interactions
- The host-microbe interface: signaling, recognition and regulation
- Tinkering with symbiosis: experimental insights into host-symbiont systems
- Rise and fall of symbiosis: evolutionary transitions
- New tools and approaches for studying symbiosis
Keynote speaker: Ed Yong, science writer and author of the book on symbiosis: I Contain Multitudes
Plenary speakers
- Betsy Arnold, U. of Arizona, USA
- Ruth Gates, University of Hawaii, USA
- Margaret McFall-Ngai, University of Hawaii, USA
- Joel Sachs, University of California at Riverside, USA
- Toby Spribille, University of Alberta, Canada
- Liping Zhao, Rutgers University, USA, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Some travel awards will be available to students
Consider submitting your work to Symbiosis, the journal of the ISS.
Watch the website and follow social media for updates.