This is our every-other-year certification, open to anyone.
Registration will open in early summer.
For more general information on the certification program and format, please see the Certification pages on the NWL website.
The exam is offered every two years, and the location is changed each year, so this will be a great opportunity to be certified in Washington. After this year, the next exam will be held in 2019, and will probably be in Oregon.
THIS YEAR: You can choose to attend the certification as a training, instead of an exam with certification. You will still collect lichens on the plot but after collection, you will work through your identifications with help from the examiners, both lichenologists. This gives you a chance to learn how to work on difficult genera. Relevant literature will be shared with these trainees.
HOUSING: Bunkhouse or camping (see below).
COST: Cost will be about $100 (to be paid on this website) plus lodging ($25/night, to be paid at the event). Note; cost and registration are the same whether you are doing the training or the certification.
WHY DO IT? Lichen Certification is a valuable addition to your resume, agency botanists and private contracting companies view it as a plus when considering who gets federal contracts and internal jobs.
LODGING details: Lewis and Clark State Park near Chehalis, Washington. Facilities include bunkhouses, a large kitchen, and on-site camping. Attendees must bring and prepare their own meals.
BEDDING: Bring your own. If you prefer to camp there are campsites nearby, but these cost about as much as a bunkhouse spot.
Also bring:
- books and references
- extension cord
- dissecting scope
- lamp for your scope
- tools and chemicals (DS will have a set of chemicals but if you have our own, bring them)
- collection equipment
- paper for clean packets (can be recycled 1 side)
- snacks and drinks for the identification day!