Northwest Lichenologists
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How the Forum Works

Use the NWL forum as a place for informal discussion on items of interest to NW lichenologists. This is intended to be interactive on particular topics -- people asking questions and discussing topics.

In contrast, the "What's Happening" section under "News" is mostly a posted record; for example, reporting interesting finds, documenting a foray, or giving links. Posts to both the Forum and What's Happening are echoed on the NWL home page.

If you subscribe to the forum you will receive notifications of forum posts by email. The email address is the one you used to sign up to NWL.

Right now it is a bit of a work to post photos in the forum. You need to do it with a link to a photo at an external site (e.g. Picasa, Flickr, etc.) or with a link to your photo posted in the Photo section of this website.  Here are the steps for that:

1. Login.

2. Load your photo on the the Photos | Photo Gallery page.

3. After saving it click the photo, then copy the address in the address bar of your browser (Ctrl-C on Windows).

4. Go to the Forum page, create a post, highlight a piece of text that will be the link, then click on the Link icon on the toolbar.

5. Then paste the photo's address into the "Website" box.

6. Save.

The Wild Apricot people who created this web software are working on an easier mechanism for posting both photos and documents.

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