Northwest Lichenologists

Trophy Hunters

Submit your photos and documentation of trophy-sized lichens. Please don't collect them, but do submit a photo and provide key measurements to establish the size and how you actually made the measurements (not trivial with Usnea longissima!). Suggestions:

  • pendulous lichens - maximum length
  • foliose and crustose lichens and apothecia size -- major and minor diameters (elliptical approximation)
  • upright fruticose lichens (e.g. Cladonia) -- maximum height

How to submit photos: 1. Login to the NWL (can't post unless you are logged in). 2. Photos tab | Trophy Hunters. 3. Click "Upload" button at the top. 4. Add a caption with the following info: species, size (and how measured), general location, your name. To add a caption, double click the thumbnail that appears after submission, then click "add caption" at bottom center.

<< All album photos 10/14 photos
Porpidia thomsonii, 60cm long dimension (index finger as reference), Teneriffe Falls trail near North Bend WA, 2013, Richard Droker
(72x61mm leaves Acer Macrophyllum on same trail)

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