This field trip is part of the 2019 Washington Native Plant Society (WNPS) Study Weekend. You must be a member to participate.
We will walk through a maritime forest to the summit of Goose Rock (by Deception Pass), viewing lichens along the way. Many lichens will be found in along the trail and forest floor. There are several locations with lichen mats (Cladonia sp., reindeer lichen) worth stopping for study. We will find lichens that grow on salal leaves (Gualtheria shallon) – folicolous lichens (Fellhanera sp.). The exposed summit site includes a number of lichens that are typically associated with alpine habitats. There will be many crustose species on the rocks and others growing amongst the vegetation. Goose Rock summit will provide a fantastic opportunity to see lichen diversity and learn some of the more common species found in the area. The view is spectacular. Bring a camera or use your smart phone to take images of the islands and lichens. A hand lens or magnifying glass will enhance your lichen experience.
Description for WNPS Study Weekend
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Lichen Field Trip Number 111